<p>Permission to reproduce is contingent upon acceptance of the following conditions and is automatically abrogated if any part is infringed. </p>
<p>1. Reproduction is permitted only from materials originally supplied by Knickle’s Studio &<br />
Gallery photographic materials and permission to reproduce may not be reused, transferred, assigned or sold without the permission of Knickle’s Studio & Gallery.</p>
<p>2. The purchase of a photograph, or scan of a photographic image or the transmission of electronic image or the rental of a color transparency does not itself carry with it the right to publish, nor make a reproduction, scan, transcript, broadcast, digitize or otherwise make available in any form. Copyright of all images remains the property of Knickle’s Studio & Gallery.</p>
<p>3. All colour transparencies conveyed under this agreement remain the property of Knickle’s Studio & Gallery and must be returned promptly after use. Failure to return colour transparency film within 30 (thirty) days of rental period subject to a penalty charge of $1500.00 (fifteen hundred dollars) per image.</p>
<p>4. All requests for permission to reproduce and image in any form must be made in writing and include the intended use(s), publisher/producer and date of publication, release or posting.</p>
<p>5. Knickle’s Studio & Gallery assesses fees for the right to reproduce images from the collection in publications, productions, products and/or websites. </p>
<p>6. Rights to reproduce are non-exclusive and granted for one time use only. Use of images in the promotion or advertising of the publication/production/website is permitted. Any further revisions, editions and reprints require a new application to be submitted. Reproduction rights are not granted in perpetuity. Web sites rights are granted for a period of twelve (12) months at a time only.</p>
<p>7. Each image must be reproduced in it’s entirety and without any alteration, including cropping, bleeding, overlapping, overprinting or changes in color density unless otherwise approved in advance by Knickle’s Studio & Gallery. Any such altered image must be labeled as a “detail” and a complete and unaltered second image must also appear within the publication. Reproduction of two-dimensional works of art must be smaller than the original.</p>
<p>8. Web site reproductions must have a resolution no higher than the equivalent of 72 dots per inch (DPI) for a 4˝ by 5˝image.</p>
<p>9. The complete credit line for all images as supplied by Knickle’s Studio & Gallery must appear in the caption or list of credits for each reproduction. Where possible the negative or catalog number should be included in the caption or photo credit as a courtesy for future researchers.</p>
<p>10. Knickle’s Studio & Gallery assume no responsibility for any royalties for fees claimed by the artist or on the artist’s behalf.</p>
<p>11. All matters of publication/production copyright rests entirely with the published/producer.</p>
<p>12. If so requested, proofs must be presented to Knickle’s Studio & Gallery for approval prior to publication, and Knickle’s Studio & Gallery reserves the right to deny any and all reproduction if after correction proofs are judged to be unsatisfactory. </p>
<p>13. Knickle’s Studio & Gallery may additionally require a minimum of one complementary copy of the publication in which the image is reproduced. </p>